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About Rouleau » Rouleau Landfill

Landfill Hours:

Spring/Summer 2023 Landfill Hours:
  • Effective: May 3, 2023
  • Wednesdays: 4:30pm - 7:00pm
  • Saturdays: 10:00am - 2:00pm

As always, the landfill hours are "Weather AND Road Permitting".

The gate attendant will collect your fees and direct you to the proper dumping sites. Please have exact change ready. Prices and acceptable items for dumping can been found below.

Please obtain your own disposal bin if you are undertaking renovations and construction.

Landfill Rates:
Effective JUNE 4, 2021 the new disposal rates for the landfill are as follows:


Please have payment with you and give total amount to attendant prior to dumping. Refusal to pay attendant in advance will result in loss of landfill access and privileges.

Appliances: $10.00 each
     (Freon must be removed and doors taken off)
All other metals: $10.00 per load- for ½ Ton or less
     (Oil and gas must be removed from all engines)
Burnable WOOD: FREE
     (Absolutely no plywood, chipboard, paint, glued or treated lumber)
Garbage Refuge (Composting): FREE
     (Compost must be removed from bags. NO EXCEPTIONS!)


Any load going into the LORAAS Bin:
     $20.00 per load: ½ Ton or less & truck box trailers
     $30.00 per load: 1 Ton & End dump trailers

Dumping improperly will result in loss of landfill access

The bin will accept the following: Household waste, furniture, mattresses, construction materials, non-burnable wood, drywall, light industrial waste, floor sweepings, scraps of metal, painted wood, glass.

Not Acceptable: Hazardous materials, shingles, paint, oil and filters, household hazardous waste, tires of any kind, unwashed chemical containers.

Please obtain your own disposal bin if you are undertaking a major renovation or construction project that will result in large amounts of garbage.

Any questions or concerns please call 306-776-2270 during regular business hours.

Website information provided by Rouleau and area residents.
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